So I was looking for a chair for my other desktop which is going to be my test bench for future WordPress and other tech projects. Basically, I have a second desk in my room with everything set up already except it doesn’t have a proper seat (I’m definitely not going to stand and work […]
Shutting Down Windows 10 Or 11 Doesn’t Work, Stuck At Blue Screen With Loading Message
This is a common problem with Windows (any version). Affiliate link will open in a new window and we may earn a commission from what ever you buy. It usually doesn’t do this when you first install a fresh copy of Windows, but after a few weeks of installing programs and loading your HDD or […]
Black Shark Sixgill K2 RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Review
This article was written while this exact keyboard (affiliate link, we may earn a commission from what ever you purchase) was plugged in. I literally just got this thing and, I have to say, for the price I absolutely love it. I’ve never heard of the brand but, I’ve also never seen a keyboard with […]
Should You Start A Blog Or A Youtube Channel? Or Both?
This is a question I’ve been asking myself for a few years now. It’s a really tricky question, but, it’s also very important if you decide that you want to make passive income somehow. The answer for me I believe is both, see what works, and maybe do both until you see the difference. I […]
Which Operating System Should You Use For Blogging?
I’ve been using all three operating systems ever since I was first introduced my family’s first computer in the early 90’s. My first computer was actually a Mac, which ran Mac OS 9 at the time, and I knew nothing about blogging at that time since I was just a kid, the internet was just […]
The Day I Discovered Blogging (2005ish)
I remember this day like it was only a few months ago. I was living with my parents at the time and was just Googling things like I normally do. I must have searched for something along the lines of “Online Jobs”, because I can’t think of anything else to search for to get this […]