I think it’s true that we all have been taught since birth that retirement is going to happen in our 60’s, but in the early 2000’s this started to change. Incase you weren’t around, or weren’t listening at the time, you can actually make quite a bit from having a website with ads on it. The easiest route however, is to of course just start a blog, and that’s what I did, that’s why this blog exists of course. I just can’t imagine living in the early 70’s-80’s-90’s, with their being no internet, and just reading books. That would be so boring. It is a gift to me to be born at this time of life.
If you actually think about it, there is a road that splits into two routes. It’s like choosing which pill to take in The Matrix, with two options. What ever pill you decide to swallow is the path that you have chosen. Anyways, if you don’t get what I mean, let’s just move on. I chose the retirement route in my days (I’m still in my 30’s), and that is actually the “creating a blog” route which you wouldn’t know unless someone told you, or if you heard about passive income and the internet, well, your probably already there if you’ve already tried to get into it.
The real question before I get into things is, which path are you going to choose?. I have a friend who works in the bank industry and he chose 9-5, Monday to Friday, and hes been doing that for probably over 15 years now. I couldn’t do it, I’m sorry. I’m not dedicated enough to iron my shirt every day and gel my hair to look nice. Nope, not for me. The best option I would say to get into this industry is to have a job and create a blog as a side hustle (which I think employers are against), but if you can pull it off, it would definitely be worth it.
So yes, if you decide to take the middle road at the beginning of your career, I understand. I guess in that image above you’ll have to create your own road. Maybe I should of picked a different image with more than two roads. EDIT: This one does a good job. Yes, there are 3 roads.
Option 1: (Left Road) – Blogging
Option 2: (Middle Road) – Working And Blog On The Side
Option 3: (Right Road) – Working
I guess that’s going to be the labels for these roads, I should of added some signage in the image but I didn’t have time. Anyways, you get the idea. Your probably going to ask in the comments, “but Michael!, what road did you take?”. The answer to that question is kind of the middle road. I do work two days a week, but I also receive money from the government for my disability. So, I am working on this blog to slowly replace that part time job. I am sure it’s going to take awhile until I get to $1000 per month, but eventually it will go higher… and that will be awesome.
In my case I will eventually have to go off the disability income and maybe quit the two-day-a-week job. I know this income will replace those two incomes. But I will save enough money before I do anything. So don’t worry about me. You definitely have to learn how to do your taxes when your making money through blogging and I will get into that in another post. You will have to make a plan on how your going to do everything, but only when you start bringing the money in.
The truth is, we don’t all live to the age of 65, so that’s something to think about too, just be really careful though when thinking about this, and also, take care of yourself, The more you take care of yourself the better odds you have in living a long life. And that’s all the advice I can give you right now about life lol. But if you are seriously thinking of retiring at the age of 65 or older, I don’t blame you, but I am telling you, you can do better, and if your 20 years old and reading this, all I have to say to you is, do your research and start your blog NOW. I will eventually make a guide on how to start a blog but for now this is it.